HELP at H.O.M.E.
March 19, 2009 ~ 3:00 PM
PRESENT: Karen Halley, Wachusett Food Pantry; Louise Charbonneau, Director, Holden Council on Aging; Cheryl Owoc, Outreach, Holden Council on Aging; Donna Cross, Holden Municipal Light Dept.; Jack Chandler, Holden Fire Department; Donna Fitch, Energy New England; Joseph G. Sullivan, Holden Board of Selectmen; Susan Marsh; Johnny Suire, HCTV; Maureen Buffone, Secretary.
Call Meeting to Order – Brian Bullock/Karen Halley
Karen Halley called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m.
The minutes from the March 5, 2009 meeting were approved and accepted, with Louise Charbonneau abstaining.
Food/WFP Update – Karen Halley
Karen reported that tonight is food pantry set up. They are planning for 160 families. Karen was invited to the board meeting last week for Joseph’s Project. They have ten (10) people on their board. Karen attended the meeting and encouraged them to network as much as possible and invited them to the food pantry distribution. Karen also invited Susan Ross to the Help at H.O.M.E. meeting. Susan runs the Corner Shop, and they are looking to work in conjunction with the food pantry. The Corner Shop will be open on the Saturdays during food pantry distribution.
Fuel Assistance/Heating – Louise Charbonneau/Cheryl Owoc
Cheryl reported that two (2) thank you notes have been received. There are still several Welcome Aldrich applications outstanding. There is one (1) new one that just came in and one (1) that we are waiting on. If disbursements are made for all of these applications, they will total $6,401.15. Help at H.O.M.E. purchased a new stove for a Holden family, which was delivered and installed for $421.95.
Louise was invited by Ken O’Brien to attend the YAHOO recognition held at the senior center on Saturday. She encouraged the young volunteers to continue the great work they have been doing. Spring yard clean up will be starting this weekend.
Donna Cross expressed appreciation on behalf of the light department and their customers for the help they have received through Help at H.O.M.E./Welcome Aldrich.
Fire Safety/Fundraising Sign – Jack Chandler
Jack has updated the sign and put it back up. He is working on getting a deal on hand-crank radios and local broadcasting. Karen asked Jack to have a fire department representative at the food pantry with smoke detectors during distributions on Friday from 9:00 to 10:30 A.M. and Saturday from 9:00 to 11:00 A.M.
Fitness (building fitness/energy conservation) – Donna Fitch
Donna stated that the energy audits have tapered off quite a bit for Holden. Both auditors have a supply of Help at H.O.M.E. booklets. There was a brief discussion on a program for warm weather conservation.
Facts (reference manual) – Cheryl Owoc
Cheryl distributed copies of the Disaster/Emergency Preparedness information that she prepared. Jack suggested putting copies in the light department bills, as well as inserting it in the Help at H.O.M.E. booklets. Johnny asked for an electronic version, so he can run it on public access. Jack distributed an informational sheet entitled “Recommended Items to Include in a Basic Emergency Supply Kit” which was prepared by his CERT team.
Treasurer’s Report – Jim Robinson - Fundraising Tally
Louise read Jim’s email with the financial activity since the last meeting. Deposits to Help at H.O.M.E. totaled $3,140.00, and the Welcome Aldrich deposits totaled $1,075.00. The Holden Women’s Club donated $750.00. There were three (3) disbursements totaling $1,004.21 ($376.28 – HMLD, $279.91 – HMLD, $348.02 – local heating company). Donations have been tapering off, as of late. Melissa would like to put something in the Landmark. She was invited to attend today’s meeting, but was not able to. Joe suggested the best way to get information to Melissa is to email her, which Louise will do.
Clergy Outreach – Rev. Rich Simpson
No representation.
Banner Update
Karen has not been able to connect with Chris from Woodmeister, although they have been trading phone calls back and forth. They did express an interest initially, and Karen will attempt to contact them again. Johnny was given a history of the banner, as he has just recently been attending our meetings. Johnny volunteered to contact Conner Sign for another quote on a banner. Susan will do a layout.
HCTV Possibilities - Guest: Johnny Suire
Johnny has already put the Help at H.O.M.E. logo on the bulletin board and recommended doing a 30 second public service announcement. Joe suggested that the board get together at the studio and have each person do a 15-second sound bite about Help at H.O.M.E. This could run with the same beginning and same end each time. Donna Fitch came up with “The Many Faces of Help at H.O.M.E.” Joe will work on a tag line and a finish line and asked the other committee members to put together a list of facts for the next meeting.
Other Business
Set Date for Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, April 2, 2009 at 3:00 p.m. at the Holden Senior Center.
It was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 3:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Maureen Buffone